Inside the West Energy Station, the existing steam boilers (2), piping, feedwater and fuel oil backup systems were removed. They were replaced with two new Fulton 6,000 MBH natural gas boilers that work in parallel with the three existing 6,000 MBH boilers that were installed in a previous phase. The existing fuel oil backup system was removed and replaced with a propane air blend synthetic gas system. This system installation included two new 30,000-gallon underground propane tanks, a vaporizer, and a blender system. This provided the benefit of not only providing a backup fuel source for the campus natural gas system, but also allowed the college to add infrastructure resiliency from a primary utility outage.
The campus infrastructure was upgraded by replacing 2,000 linear feet of steam and condensate piping with new steel hot water distribution piping. This piping infrastructure connected the remaining eight buildings on campus with each building incorporating a building leak detection system using flow meters and control valves on both supply and return piping. This final phase completed the new hot water distribution loop system for the entire campus allowing Carleton to continue to make advancements on their goal of carbon-free by 2050.